- Publication fee (mandatory)
- Online Open Access fee (optional)
- Supplementary materials/appendices- see pricing for excessive pages
Publication Fee Per Accepted Article (note new fees start January 1, 2023)
The publication fee is charged only for papers accepted for publication. Authors receive a clean PDF copy for immediate professional use and the article will appear online for access by journal subscribers and those who wish to purchase a copy.
Fees for papers submitted up until December 31, 2022
- Research Article and Systematic Reviews- $525
- Brief Reports and Commentaries- $275
Fees for papers submitted January 1, 2023 and after
- Research Article and Systematic Reviews- $575
- Brief Reports and Commentaries- $300
Fast-track service
Beginning January 1, 2023, all accepted papers will receive the benefit of Ingenta’s fast-track service. Accepted papers will be made available online prior to publication in an issue. This benefit allows authors early access to their publication to share and cite their work.
Open Access Fee Per Accepted Article ($500)
The Open Access fee is added to the mandatory publication fee.
Open Access refers to scholarly journals that are available online, free of charge to the reader; without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself.
Authors who purchase the Open Access option retain the copyright to their article and may distribute the article however they wish. Moreover, authors eligible for PubMed Central (PMC) will have the embargo lifted immediately with the Open Access option.
For further information contact the journal offices.
Fees for Excessive Supplementary Materials/Appendices
- Up to 6 double-spaced pages of supplementary materials/appendices- no fee
- Each additional page of material beyond 6 pages- $50/page
Sponsored Issues
Please contact the journal offices for pricing if you would like to sponsor an entire issue for a special issue.
Copyediting Service
If you require assistance with English, grammatical, and stylistic editing for your manuscript, we can recommend a copyediting service.
Waiver Policy
To support researchers from diverse economies, we will waive 60% of the mandatory publication fee and 100% of the Open Access fee for authors from World Bank designated low and lower-middle income economies. We ask authors to submit a waiver request through our Contact Form prior to manuscript submission to confirm eligibility. Ability to pay is not considered in the manuscript review process.